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Web & Marketing Blog for Physical Therapists

Stay informed about ideas and best practices for growing your physical therapy clinic with smart marketing strategies.

The IT Factor: How to Find Your Content Marketing Differentiator and Stand out

The IT Factor: How to Find Your Content Marketing Differentiator and Stand out
Content Marketing is one of the main strategic pillars of modern marketing. By creating and sharing valuable, consistent, and relevant content, your chances of attracting and retaining qualified leads increase dramatically. And, it works wonders if we were to look at the numbers: content marketing is estimated to become a 300 billion dollars industry by 2019, doubling its growth in under four years.   If you’ve been struggling to get patients to your physical therapy clinic, t...
Posted on 2018-12-23

YouTube SEO: How to Rank High on Your PT Videos

YouTube SEO: How to Rank High on Your PT Videos
  They say one picture is worth a thousand words. However, recent research shows that one minute of video is worth 1.8 million words. With YouTube being the second most popular website worldwide after Google and with online video content expected to make more than 80 year on year. YouTube has become a video version of Google through the lenses of user behavior. Consumers reach to YouTube when they look for services and products, whether if it’s for demos, inspiration, and educa...
Posted on 2018-12-21

TOP Rankings Signals That Actually Make a Difference to Your PT Clinic’s Website

TOP Rankings Signals That Actually Make a Difference to Your PT Clinic’s Website
Getting to number one on Google is the Holy Grail of digital marketing. And for very good reasons. A good SERP ranking can have a real impact on your physical therapy clinic. It can increase traffic to your websites, dramatically increasing your chances of bringing in new patients and keeping your practice afloat. The question now is: what can you do to improve your website’s ranking? It’s a heated discussion with no straight or easy answers. For some marketers, it’s...
Posted on 2018-11-15

Death of a Salesman and How to Use Inbound Content to Get Patients

Death of a Salesman and How to Use Inbound Content to Get Patients
Here lies the traditional notion of a salesperson. May it rest in peace, and may the rest of the world finally move on. It’s true: that person whose job was to ring your doorbell and try to sell you knives, books, and who knows what else is officially a thing you can tell your grandchildren about (though they’ll probably find it hard to believe). Sales and advertising have come a long way through the years. Nowadays, it’s not enough anymore to focus on the product and how ...
Posted on 2018-11-12

How to Connect Content Marketing to Your PT Clinic’s Sales Funnel

How to Connect Content Marketing to Your PT Clinic’s Sales Funnel
Photo We can all agree that content marketing is hard. Sure, it’s a great way to turn strangers into prospects and prospects into patients, but, as you’ve probably discovered, it doesn’t always work as planned. Sometimes, you write a piece of content, and it gets a huge influx of qualified leads. Other times, you publish what you believe it’s an incredible post, you share it, and nothing happens. How come? The problem is that many physical therapy clinic owners and ...
Posted on 2018-09-20
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