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Web & Marketing Blog for Physical Therapists

Stay informed about ideas and best practices for growing your physical therapy clinic with smart marketing strategies.

How to Use Affiliate Marketing for Your PT Website?

How to Use Affiliate Marketing for Your PT Website?
When you are thinking about making some extra cash from your website, affiliate marketing is one of the top ways you will find to do so. It might seem like an easy thing to do, but getting it right and to work for your website can take a little practice and skill. You can make money through your PT website if you choose the right programme and use the links productively on your site. Plus, you can offer some great deals on recommended products to your customers. Giving benefits for both you and ...
Posted on 2020-03-23

Five Steps to Making More Content from A PT Event!

Five Steps to Making More Content from A PT Event!
Content marketing for your PT website is not easy and it can be difficult to create a lot of content that is relevant and sharable. You might be inclined to create just one piece of content per event however, you can make much more of it than that. Depending on what type of event you are presenting will make a difference to what you will be able to share afterwards. But there are definitely different avenues you can follow to make the most out of your event. However, if you follow these five s...
Posted on 2020-03-16

How to Manage Your PT Website When You Feel Overwhelmed

How to Manage Your PT Website When You Feel Overwhelmed
Feeling overwhelmed can be a normal reaction when things get on top of you in every day life. It can be the expectations at home or at work, responsibilities and many other things that can trouble you. A good amount of stress is good for you, it keeps you motivated and makes you work to get the job done. But too much can be debilitating and have a real impact on your life. So how do you manage your PT business and website when you are feeling this way? Here are some tips to help manage your s...
Posted on 2020-03-13

3 Tips for Using ALL of Your Social Media to Expand Your PT Blog

3 Tips for Using ALL of Your Social Media to Expand Your PT Blog
We all know social media is essential to build your brand and to drive traffic to your blog. But do you know how to use it well? If you get it right, you can grow your following, and get more blog hits than ever before. But it can be hard to navigate the world of social media and make it work for your business, knowing where to spend your money and when and what to post. Well, here are three top tips for using all of your social media to expand your PT blog. 1. Go Global. When you think abou...
Posted on 2020-02-21

Top 5 Ways to Help Readers Use PT in Everyday Life

Top 5 Ways to Help Readers Use PT in Everyday Life
As a physical therapist you want to ensure the hard work continues outside of the therapy room and into everyday life. You create stronger more resilient clients this way and make sure the therapy you are offering in session is being complemented afterwards and in between clinic visits. Your website and online material are essential content for your patients to read up on therapy and help them to understand the effects of their treatment, including how this resonates with their daily life afte...
Posted on 2020-02-17
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