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Web & Marketing Blog for Physical Therapists

Stay informed about ideas and best practices for growing your physical therapy clinic with smart marketing strategies.

The 5 WORST Ways to Advertise Your PT Blog

The 5 WORST Ways to Advertise Your PT Blog
The old adage “there’s no such thing as bad publicity” is very, very wrong. Advertising is a difficult, complicated, and multi-faceted whirlwind of information. You have to know who needs what and when and why just to get ahead!  When it comes to advertising your PT blog, there are definitely ways you can go make bad decisions. Because no matter what you do, there may be a downside to putting up your advertisement. All in all, falling into the trap of one of the worst w...
Posted on 2020-06-22

Making Your PT Blog 'At-Home' Friendly

Making Your PT Blog 'At-Home' Friendly
There are a lot of changes happening in the world right now. Not only are people getting used to social distancing, but a vast majority of people are trying to do everything they once did at specialty places in the comfort of their own homes. Dining room tables are converted to office spaces, as well as living rooms being turned into gyms.  This includes people who are currently going through physical therapy. Going through full routines at-home can be stressful! Furthermore, some people...
Posted on 2020-05-10

Tell Your Clients That Sanitizing and Over Cleaning Are Our New Normal

Tell Your Clients That Sanitizing and Over Cleaning Are Our New Normal
Experts for years have been waiting for a pandemic to hit for over a decade. Epidemiologists have been saying for such a long time that the world isn’t ready for anything remotely like the Spanish Flu of 1918. Now that COVID-19 is here, we are fully aware that they were right. But what now?  Sure we can look back on the news and articles from the past few years and understand in hindsight we could have been more prepared. However, now that COVID-19 is here, we need to focus on what...
Posted on 2020-05-04

5 Tips on How to Maintain PT in Quarantine

5 Tips on How to Maintain PT in Quarantine
As the world battles the COVID-19 pandemic, finding ways to keep up with your physical therapy clients during quarantine may be getting harder and harder. The stress and anxiety of being cooped up in your home for weeks on end isn’t making things any easier for anyone. However, there are ways that you can reach out to your PT clients and make sure that they are maintaining their physical therapy during quarantine.  All in all, whether you yourself are havi...
Posted on 2020-04-29

Top Ten Ways to Make Your PT Website More Customer Friendly

Top Ten Ways to Make Your PT Website More Customer Friendly
When developing your PT website, you want it to be easy for your customers to use and get to the right place they are looking for. But how can you make your PT website more customer-friendly? The most important thing for you right now is to get customers to visit your website, then stay when they arrive. The usability of your website is key to keeping your visitors on your site and navigating from one page to the next. There are many different things you can do to improve your website and mak...
Posted on 2020-03-30
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